The ultimate goal of Vedic principle is to understand the eternal relationship with the supreme lord Sri Krishna, as stated in Bhagavad gita: Vedais ca sarvair aham eva vedhyah’ The lord says the purpose of Vedas is to know him.

Our Vedic system facilitates multi-level worship gods. The demigods are empowered administrators of material affairs, who are innumerable assistants in different parts of the body of the supreme personality of godhead.          

The pleasure and displeasure of human beings depends upon the performance of yajna’s and there are different yajna’s recommended for different demigods, however Lord Vishnu is worshiped in all yajna’s as the chief beneficiary. The position of demigods can be understood in a form of organizational hierarchy

Illustration: Hierarchical position of Supreme Lord Krishna

The demigods are the authorized supplying agents on behalf of the supreme personality of godhead. They are in charge of various necessities of life and supply all necessities to Man, such as water, fire, air etc., The man who receives these gifts from demigods are obliged to return the offerings back in the forms of yajna’s, if one enjoys the gifts received by demigods and does not offer them back is certainly a thief. Hence man has to perform sacrifices as directed in Vedas in order to receive gifts from demigods to leave peacefully and progress on spiritual path.

Illustration: Cycle of Sacrifice

From the above illustration we understand that when performs yajnas to demigods, man receives all the necessities of life.

However, we understand from Bhagavad Gita that, of all sacrifices, lord Vishnu or Krishna is the ultimate beneficiary, and no boon or necessities are provided without his sanction, hence unless the supreme lord sanctions even demigods cannot give any boon. So, the next question arises, IS DEMIGOD WORSHIP GOOD OR BAD?

Let us try to understand this with the below logic: IS 60% score Good or Bad?

  • For one who is capable of scoring 40%, and if he scores 60% it is excellent
  • For one who is capable of scoring 80% and if he scores 60% it is undesirable

From the above logic we understand that:

  • For atheists and materialists, it is recommended to worship demigods
  • For serious spiritual seekers, it is discouraged to worship demigods

In Bhagavd gita 07:20 krishna says

kāmais tais tair hṛta-jñānāḥ

prapadyante ’nya-devatāḥ

taṁ taṁ niyamam āsthāya

prakṛtyā niyatāḥ svayā

“Those whose minds are distorted by material desires surrender unto demigods and follow the particular rules and regulations of worship according to their own natures”

The worshipers of demigods are motivated by the small desires and take shelter of demigods for immediate fulfillment of material desire. However, the supreme lord the father of all the living entities is always anxious to bring back is lost son.

 This is just like a story of prodigal son., The king has a son who leaves his father and has gone to some other place and serving some other master who makes him work hard and gives very less in return. The King is aware that my son has some inimical feelings towards him and even if he called, his son would not return. So, the king makes arrangements and sends his ministers to allure his son to work for his minister for more money and enjoyment. The son accepts the offer and under illusion he thinks that he is working hard and gaining more wealth, indirectly the king has bought back his son to his kingdom within his jurisdiction. Gradually when the son serves the minister, he sees that this minister is also serving someone else, who is he serving? He finds out that the minister is serving king, He thinks, if I serve the king, I will be paid better, then he approaches the king, if he will pay him more, the king says you are my son, why you have to work I will take care of you, son says no, I will work and how much will you pay me, King wants his son back and king says ok you work with me directly, so after sometime the son starts thinking that this king who is his father is very kind and why should he struggle so much and decides go to back to his father with full love.

The above story helps us understand the position of the supreme lord who is king, and the demigods are his ministers. Hence it is always recommended that one approach the supreme personality of godhead for any material or spiritual desire, one who is serious in spirituality should directly worship the supreme lord, however this does not mean that one offends or disrespect demigods, as these demigods are also very dear the supreme lord Krishna who takes care of material affairs under the direction of the supreme lord Krishna.

Hare Krishna!!!!!!