Sri Narasimha Jayanti is the appearance day of Lord Narasimha, the half-lion half-man incarnation of Supreme Lord Krishna, who appeared to protect Prahlada from his demoniac father Hiranyakashipu.

Celebrations at Hare Krishna Mandir – R R Nagar

Narasimha Jayanti was celebrated with great pomp at Hare Krishna Mandir, R.R Nagar on 15th May 2022 (Sunday). Hundred’s of devotees took part in the celebration and received the blessings of Lord Narasimhadeva. Devotees took part in various activities like Lakshmi Narasimha Homa, Sri Sri Radha Govinda Pallaki Utsava, Lakshmi Narashima Abhishekam and relished delicious prasadam.



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Incarnation of Lord Narasimha

Narasimha Avatara is the fourth incarnation amongst the Dashavataras of lord Vishnu.

Long ago, there lived a great demon named Hiranyakashipu, who terrorized the three worlds. he performed great austerities to receive a benediction from Lord Brahma. When Lord Brahma appeared, Hiranyakashipu asked for the benediction that, he may not be killed by any man or beast, not at night or day, not on the ground or in the air, not inside or outside his palace and not by any weapon. Lord Bhrama was very satisfied by Hiranyakashipu’s austerities, which were difficult to perform. Therefore, when asked for benedictions, Lord Bharma indeed granted them although they were rarely achieved.

 While Hiranyakashipu was performing austerities, taking advantage of his absence, the demigods attacked his kingdom. They caught hold of Hiranyakashipu’s pregnant wife Kayadu and held her captive so that they could kill the new-born and stop the blooming of another Hiranyakashipu-like demon.

 However, Narada muni came to rescue the child and urged the demigods to free Kayadu, as her new born child is destined to be a great devotee of the Supreme Lord. Hearing this, the demigods immediately released her with due honor and returned to their respective kingdom. Narada muni then instructed Kayadu and Prahlada, who was in the womb about pure devotional service.

 After having received the benediction, powerful Hiranyakashipu returned to his palace. He was very pleased to see his son Prahalada. Hiranyakashipu decided to send his son Prahalada to best gurukul, so he sent Prahalada to the gurukul of Shanda and Amarka who were the sons of Shukracharya. The teachers Shanda and Amarka instructed Prahalada about the three kinds of material advancement called religion, economic development and sense gratification. Prahalada, however, being devoted to Lord Vishnu did not like the materialistic instructions of his teacher’s.

When Prahlada returned from his school Hiranyakashipu questioned “what did you learn in school today?” Prahlada answered : “I learnt that Lord Vishnu is the source of everything  and unalloyed devotional service unto his lotus feet is the perfection of life”           

Hiranyakashipu was furious to her Prahlada’s words as it glorified Lord Vishnu, his greatest enemy. Hence, he decided to kill Prahlada. Hiranyakashipu tried many tricks to kill Prahlada but he could not kill his son, Prahlada by throwing him beneath the feet of big elephants, throwing him among the fearful snakes, employing destructive spells, hurling him from the top and even by administering posion. When Hiranyakashipu realised that he could not, in anyway harm Prahlada, who was completely sinless, he was in great anxiety about what to do next.

 Hiranyakashipu in great anger then asked Prahlada “If your Lord Vishnu is present everywhere then, is he present in this pillar?” Prahlada replied: “Yes father, my worshipable Lord is present in this pillar too”

Hiranyakashipu got up from his royal throne, took up his powerful club and with great anger struck it against the pillar and said, “Let me see if your Lord is present in this pillar”, That moment, from within the pillar came a fearful sound, a great rumbling roar, which seemed to crack the covering of the universe. The pillar cracked and burst asunder. From within the pillar appeared Lord Narasimhadeva in his half-man half-lion form, which was most wonderful to behold.

Lord Narasimhadeva’s form was as dazzling as millions of raising suns and his fiery eyes were filled with anger. With the sword in his hand Hiranyakashipu arrogantly rushed towards the Lord, falsely thinking that he could kill the Lord. Lord Narashimadeva fought with the demon for a while and finally at the right time, when the sun was setting in the horizon, the Lord put the demon on his lap at the doorway of the palace, and ripped him apart with his nails. In this way Lord Brahma’s boon was intact, for demon was killed not by any weapons but by nails, not by any man or beast but by half-man half-lion, not in day or at night but at dusk, not on the ground or in the air but on the lap, neither inside nor outside the palace but on the doorway. In this way Lord Narasimha appeared to protect his dearmost devotee Prahlada.

Narasimhadeva appeared at dusk on the Shukla Chaturdashi (fourteenth day of the bright fortnight) in the month of Vaishakha (May).

Prahlada Narasimhadeva bhagavan ki Jai!!!!!!!!!!!!